About Us
History of Sheltered Inc.
Reverend Patricia Eller, a Methodist minister, recognized a need to server the homeless in Springfield and Clark County. As a result Reverend Eller’s vision, Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN), now know as Sheltered Inc. of Springfield, Inc. was founded in October, 1990.

Emergency Shelter
Norm’s Place contains nine bedrooms with space for 35 beds. One bedroom is handicap accessible. The number of people who can be housed at a given time varies based on family composition and ages of children.
The Hartley House facility has space to house 36 single men.
Church Network
Essential to Sheltered Inc.’s program is the participation and commitment of churches in our network. Church members prepare and serve meals, provide transportation to special events, spend time interacting with guests (playing games with children and talking with adults), and many other essential services.

Sheltered Inc. operates under the Housing First Model
Housing First is a model of housing assistance that centers on providing people experiencing homelessness with housing first and then providing voluntary services as needed and desired. We operate under the assumption that everyone is ready for housing.
In addition to the basic idea of providing housing first, Critical elements, include:
- Rapid exit from homelessness
- Minimal barriers to program entry
- Voluntary Supportive Services
- Housing Focused Assistance
Homeless Shelters

Norm's Place
Shelter for Single Women
501 West High Street
Springfield, OH 45506
Phone: 937-325-8154
Fax: 937-325-8902

Hartley House
Shelter for Single Men
440 West High Street
Springfield, OH 45506
Phone: 937-521-1071
Fax: 937-322-4477

Mulberry Terrace
Shelter for Chronically Homeless
120 West Mulberry St.
Springfield, OH 45506
Phone: 937-323-5601
Fax: 937-323-5624